Insurance when driving someone else’s car

If you need to use someone else’s vehicle unfortunately you will still need to have the right insurance whilst on the road. Luckily there are some options available to those who need to use someone else’s car to get around. We’ve compiled everything you’ll need to know about insurance for driving someone else’s car.
Insurance when driving someone else’s car
If you are driving a partner’s car, it is thankfully easy to have yourself included in their insurance policy. If you are both responsible drivers with a clean driving history and low-risk profile your premiums will likely be unaffected. If your using another person’s car then things get a little more complicated. In your policy, you will need to look for a driving other cars clause (DOC). A DOC lets you drive another vehicle temporarily even if you aren’t named as a driver on their insurance policy.
What is driving other cars insurance?
This coverage is meant to cover you whilst you drive another person’s car without being listed on their policy. However the requirements are usually restricted to emergency situations only. These include hospital visits, situations where you may be in danger or the car owner is no longer able to drive themselves.
You must check if this clause is included in your insurance policy as you will be breaking the law if it isn’t. If it isn’t and you know you will need to use another person’s car at some point, ask about adding it to your policy.
DOC cover is third-party only so If you have an accident you will only be covered for damage you cause to the other party’s car.
Temporary Car Insurance
Temporary car insurance is also another option available to you if you know you will be using someone else’s car for a prolonged period. You will get fully comprehensive cover for the other car for a period usually ranging from 1 to 28 days. You will be covered from the moment you take out the policy.
If you think you will be using another person’s car for longer than 28 days you may need to get yourself included on their insurance policy.
At Quotezone, helping people find better deals is important to us. We can help you find the best deals on your car insurance with our panel of dedicated UK specialists. Whether you’re looking for third-party, third-party fire and theft, or comprehensive cover, Quotezone has you covered.
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