The bulk of Britain’s gas supplies are transported around the country by the National Grid. But in some instances, the job is done by an independent gas transportation (IGT) firm. About one million customers are currently served by an IGT, which is a small percentage of UK households.
An IGT is more likely to operate the gas distribution system if you live in a newer home that was built after 1995 when the market was opened up to competition. For example, IGTs frequently supply gas to modern housing developments because they offer competitive rates to housebuilders and developers to install a gas connection.
To make absolutely sure whether or not your gas is delivered by an IGT, you can look at the Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) on your gas bill. If the MPRN is 10 digits long and begins with 74, 75, 76 or 77 then you are supplied by an Independent Gas Transporter. Alternatively, you can call the Meter Point Administration Service on 0870 608 1524.
There is nothing wrong with IGTs. To transport gas a firm must hold a licence and satisfy strict safety requirements. However, they can work out more expensive for customers because the energy supplier must pay both the National Grid and the IGT for the gas supply.
Some energy suppliers will not accept new customers with an IGT, some will charge a fee and some will absorb the extra cost.
You should bear the charges in mind if you are comparing energy prices. Comparison websites cannot detect whether your address is served by an IGT, so the deals that come up on the screen will not include any extra costs. If you are currently supplied by an IGT, it’s best to call your chosen new energy supplier to check whether or not there are any additional charges before switching.