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Business Fleet Van Insurance

Business Van Fleet Insurance

  • Quotes from multiple UK fleet insurance providers
  • One short form – save time & money
  • 97% of customers recommend us

Policies and deals from industry leading insurance providers, including

Towergate Insurance
Insurance Revolution
Lifestyle Insurance Brokers
Broadsure Insurance
One Call
Find Insurance NI
Business Choice Direct
Nova Insurance
Business Compare
Mayfair Online
The Taxi Insurer
Plan Insurance
Yellow Jersey Cycle Insurance
Coversure Insurance Services
Insurance Revolution
Aldium Insurance
1st UK Broking
SEP Insurance
Needham Insurance Services
NOVO Insurance
Edison Ives Insurance
Principal Insurance
Andrews & Co

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Easy application and appropriate cover


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Easy to use system, fast response offers good cover and competitive pricing


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Compare Insurance for a Fleet of Business Vans 

Business van fleet insurance is a major expense that is necessary for a business with many vans. The insurance costs can depend on the size, value, and nature of the business. But it will also depend on factors related to the fleet of vans. Finding insurance can be frustrating. But Quotezone.co.uk has streamlined the whole process of finding affordable fleet insurance. We remove the guesswork and help businesses compare quotes from many of the leading insurance providers in the UK. 

How much does business van fleet insurance cost, on average? 

The cost of insurance for a fleet of business vans can vary significantly. This is due to differences in the risk factors that insurers use to determine insurance rates. These factors are assessed and applied to individual businesses. 

Insurers will assess a range of factors. These include the profile of the drivers, the specifications of the vans, and the size of the fleet when working out insurance rates for a particular business.  

Our platform can provide accurate quotes providing a clear indication of what insuring a fleet of business vans could cost your business on average. 

Which risk factors will be used to calculate the premium I pay for this insurance policy? 

The cost of business van fleet insurance is calculated by insurers based on certain risk factors, and these typically include: 

  • Specification of the vans being insured like their make, model and value. 
  • Details and particulars of the van drivers, for example, their driving record, age and experience. 
  • The area or location where the vans will primarily be used and parked.  
  • The type of deliveries the vans are being used for. 
  • Annual mileage of the vans. 
  • The level and type of insurance that is opted for.  
  • Security features of the vans. 
  • If the drivers have had any additional training, like driver courses. 
Does the number of business vans in my fleet affect the cost of this insurance policy? 

The number of business vans in your fleet is of critical importance to an insurer and can have a large impact on the costs of insuring a fleet of business vans. Typically, small fleet insurance for business vans will be cheaper than insurance for a large fleet of vans. 

How the number of vans in your fleet can affect your premiums is as follows: 

  • The larger the fleet, the more risk the insurance company is exposed to. Because there are more vans on the road, it increases the likelihood of accidents and damage. 
  • Insuring a large fleet can be complex and complicated leading to higher administrative costs. 
  • Certain insurance companies may offer discounts to larger fleet owners. 

Does the type of vans in my fleet have a big impact on the cost of this policy? 

Yes. The types of vans you have will influence the cost of insuring a fleet of business vans. 

How the type of van can affect the costs of fleet insurance for business vans are as follows: 

  • Newer more valuable vans will typically cost more to insure. 
  • The make and model of the van are important as some vans are, for example, a greater theft risk.  
  • Vans with large engines and increased performance are riskier for insurers to provide coverage for. 

Does the estimated mileage for each van affect the cost of insuring a fleet of business vans? 

Motor fleet insurance for business vans can be affected by the annual mileage that the vans are expected to, or actually do clock up. 

Vans that cover large distances are typically on the road for longer periods. Statistically, they’re at greater risk of being involved in accidents, resulting in insurance claims being made. Higher mileage also causes wear and tear. This can become a hazard if the vans are not properly maintained and can result in higher insurance claims. 

While getting insurance for a fleet of business vans, you could qualify for discounts if you have a low mileage. Overall, the greater the annual mileage, the higher the insurance rates will typically be. 

Do insurers offer ‘any driver business van fleet insurance’, or do I have to specify the names of the drivers I’d like covered when I take out this policy? 

Insurers in the UK offer both ‘any driver business van fleet insurance’ as well as ‘named driver fleet insurance’. You have the freedom to choose which type of insurance would better suit the nature and needs of your business. 

‘Any driver fleet insurance’ enables any authorised person who has a valid driver’s licence to drive a van in the fleet. This provides the business with flexibility. Any employee would be insured to drive the vans as long as they met the legal and policy criteria. 

‘Named driver fleet insurance’ only allows certain specific drivers to drive the vans in the fleet. Each driver’s details are considered when determining insurance premiums. 

Can young drivers be included in motor fleet insurance for business vans? 

Typically, you would be able to include young drivers under the age of 25. This can vary between different insurers, and you may be charged higher insurance rates due to your age. 

As mentioned, some insurers may restrict the minimum age to 21 or 25 years old. They may also require a driver to have a certain number of years of driving experience with a traceable record. There may also be restrictions on the size of the van certain age groups will be covered to drive. 

There are actions younger drivers can take to mitigate the impact of their age. Completing driving courses and maintaining a clean driving record are safe bets. 

Does the cost to insure a fleet of business vans vary by location? 

The location can have an impact on the cost of business van fleet insurance for the following reasons: 

  • Urban areas like cities usually have higher populations compared to rural areas. These densities are associated with issues like higher crime levels and traffic congestion. This leads to an overall riskier environment for insurers. 
  • Regulations and local laws can differ between locations. 
  • Weather and road conditions in an area can add another layer of risk. 
  • Insurers also look at the claims frequency and history of different locations. 

Are there specialist business van fleet insurance brokers I can speak to? 

Commercial vehicle fleet insurance is a large and important segment of the UK insurance market. It won’t be difficult to find specialist business van fleet insurance brokers. 

That said, shopping around is a sure way to increase your chances of securing a competitive deal. When searching for fleet insurance for business vans it’s advisable to compare as many quotes as possible. Our platform Quotezone.co.uk specialises in sourcing a very wide range of quotes from a large number of insurers. This can help you compare deals that are personalised to your business needs. This way, you could source a highly competitive deal and save money on your fleet insurance. 

Should I use a specialist broker, or will I get a cheaper quote through a price comparison site? 

It depends on your personal preferences. Typically, the cheapest quote is found by thoroughly researching the market. 

Price comparison sites like Quotezone give you access to most of the major insurance providers in the UK as well as more bespoke insurers. With the amount of competition between these insurance companies, you likely stand a greater chance of finding a suitable and cheap quote.