Cancelling Your Pet Insurance When They Die

Unfortunately, as much as we’d like them to, our pets can’t stay with us forever. When your pet passes away you’ll naturally be upset and not want to worry about your pet’s insurance. However it is important to make sure that you inform your insurer as soon as possible to prevent any ongoing costs. Here is a guide to cancelling your pet insurance when they pass away.
Things to consider
Depending on the type of insurance policy you have for your pet, you may be able to cover the purchase or donation price of your pet if it dies as a result of illness or injury, or needs to be put down by a vet. This is dependent on your insurance policy including death from illness or injury cover. It is important to note that not all pet insurance policies will include this as a default and many insurers will not cover a pet over a certain age.
You should produce a pedigree certificate where possible along with proof of purchase in order to be paid the correct amount. Without this you may only be reimbursed up to a fixed amount based on generic factors such as the breed, age and when your ownership of the pet began.
Additional Information that may be required:
Typical information that will be required for reimbursement in the event of your pet’s death include:
- A pedigree certificate
- Death certificate issued by vet
Along with this there are some additional things to consider which may exclude you from being able to claim on your pet’s death.
Common exclusions:
- If your pet dies as a result of injury or illness whilst over a certain age (Consult your insurer’s policy details for exact age)
- Reimbursement over a set amount
- If your pet died as a result of an injury or illness that exhibited symptoms before your policy started
- Death due to negligence (Usually this due to a pet being left in a car or otherwise neglected)
- Having your pet put down when it is not necessary to do so on humane grounds
- If your pet dies due to pregnancy or giving birth
How to cancel your pet insurance
Regardless of whether you can claim on your pet’s passing, you’ll want to inform your insurer as soon as possible to prevent recurring payments as well as being reimbursed for any unused cover. Most insurers will have an online cancellation form in which you can update them. This will allow your insurer to refund you for the time left on your coverage from when your pet passed away. It will also prevent your policy from continuing into the future and resulting in additional payments.
You will also be able to submit a claim on any treatments your pet was receiving at the time of death so be sure to include this information where possible. If your insurer does not have an online cancellation form you can also directly call them or follow their recommended channel of communication. Ultimately you’ll want to inform them of your pet’s passing as soon as possible.
*Some insurers may offer a helpline for those who are suffering bereavement due to the loss of a pet, be sure to check if your insurer can offer you this coverage
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