Travel Disruption Insurance
Sometimes the unexpected can cause disruptions to even the best-planned holidays. Travel disruption insurance can help protect you from being left out of pocket should disruptions force you to change or cancel your travel plans.

What is travel disruption insurance and what does it cover?
Nearly all standard travel insurance policies will offer some level of coverage against travel disruption. Most basic travel insurance policies will offer you coverage against cancellation, illness or loss of luggage. Taking out dedicated travel disruption insurance can offer you coverage against a broader range of risks to your holiday. Standalone or add-on travel disruption insurance can protect you against the following:
Natural disasters
Flight cancellation (exclusions apply)
Civil unrest
Delays over 12 hours
What doesn't travel disruption cover?
- Costs which you will be able to recover from an airline or service provider
- Custom delays
- Claims that can't be supported with evidence of cost or disruption
- Costs where the transport provider already offered you reimbursement or alternative travel/accommodation
- Pre-planned strikes that are publicly announced
- Missed flights, connections if you didn't show up on time
Will I be covered for flight cancellation
Travel disruption insurance can cover you for cancelled or delayed flights with some exclusions. Cancelled or delayed flights where you are eligible to be compensated by the airline or travel agency directly are not covered by your travel insurance. You will not be able to claim for delayed or cancelled flights where the airline offers you an alternative flight within 24 hours.
What are some other things I can claim for?
Dependent on your level of cover and any exclusions listed by the provider, you will typically be able to claim for costs due to the following:
Car hire costs
If you have paid for car hire but are unable to use it due to trip disruption then you may be able to claim these costs on your travel disruption insurance. If you need to use a car hire service due to an incident that causes travel delays then you can claim for these associated costs.
Missed connections
If an event causes you to miss a connecting flight, you may be able to claim for the associated costs of finding alternative flights or accommodation.
Unused excursions
If you have pre-paid tickets for events or pre-booked trips which you can no longer use because of travel disruption, then travel disruption insurance will be able to cover you for these costs.
Kennel costs
If you need to pay for your pets to remain in care for longer than expected due to travel disruptions while you are away – then you can claim this on your travel disruption insurance.
Is travel disruption cover worth it?
To understand whether travel disruption insurance is worth taking out - it helps to have some examples of how people have benefited from including it in their travel coverage. Here are some scenarios where holiday goers have benefited from having disruption cover in place.
- A holiday with friends to Ibiza is cancelled due to a sudden airline strike - the passengers travel disruption insurance was able to reimburse the the costs of non-refundable bookings and also costs for alternative accommodation.
- A family that travelled to Iceland were unable to make their return flight home after their holiday due to a volcanic eruption grounding all flights. Travel disruption insurance was able to cover them for the accommodation costs for their extended stay - it was also able to cover the associated costs of the new return flight home not covered by the airline when flights resumed.
- A solo traveller is forced to cut their holiday short due to an eruption of civil unrest in a previously safe destination. It becomes officially advised by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) that all unnecessary travel to that location should be avoided. Travel disruption insurance helped them cover the costs of leaving the country before their original departure flight date.
These are just some examples of how having travel disruption cover can benefit you if you run into the unexpected on your holiday. Whilst many scenarios that are covered by travel disruption such as transportation failure, airline strikes, natural disasters and civil unrest are rare, the consequences for holiday goers needing to change their plans because of them can be expensive. It is worth considering how much money you stand to loose should any of these scenarios occur to you and whether it justifies the cost of taking out travel disruption insurance.
Is trip delay insurance the same as travel disruption cover?
Trip delay insurance is similar to travel disruption cover but but instead solely focusses on the costs of delays to your travels. Travel disruption insurance is a more broad form of cover that also includes cancellations, missed connections and typically higher pay-out limits.
Does travel distruption insurance cover acts of terrorism?
Terrorism is generally not covered by most travel insurance policies beyond associated emergency medical costs they may result from terrorist acts. Many insurers however will offer policy add-ons that can protect you against the broader financial impacts of terrorism. For example if you need to cut a holiday short and repatriate back to the UK due to acts of terrorism, hire alternative transport or sort alternative accommodation - then comprehensive travel disruption insurance will be able to cover these costs. Some locations will typically not be covered by travel disruption insurance such as the following:
- Syria
- Ukraine
- Afghanistan
- Iraq
- North Korea
This list is not exhaustive and countries can be added or removed from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office's official travel warning list as situations develop. Generally, most countries listed by the FCDO as unsafe for travel will not be covered by insurers - so cover against acts of terrorism would only be valid in countries deemed officially safe for travel.
Will I be covered if I cancel my trip?
If you need to abandon your travels due to insurable disruptions that are out of your control then you will be able to claim these associated costs. Trip cancellations due to changing your mind are usually not covered by most policies.
How to claim for travel disruptions
If your travels are disrupted and you have been forced to spend money to change your plans or can no longer use services you've already paid for - you will then be able to make a claim through your travel disruption insurance. When making a claim be sure to collect receipts and evidence of the disruptions for your insurer. Contact them as soon as possible as many insurance providers will have a time limit for when you can claim for travel disruptions.
Collect documentation
Keep a detailed record of all expenses you’ve incurred due to the insurable disruptions to your travel plans.
Be clear when communicating with your insurer
Insurers will need to confirm if your claim is genuine and if you are in fact covered by your policy for the disruptions experienced. Be clear and honest with any information requests from your insurer to speed up the claims process and to ensure your claim gets accepted.
Record all interactions with your insurer
Some claims can take a while to process but don’t loose heart. Patience is key with many claims – especially more complicated cases. Be honest and precise with any dealings with your insurer and record all information in case you ever need to dispute your claim with the insurer.
How to get travel disruption insurance
Travel disruption insurance may already be included in some standard travel insurance policies so be sure to check the policy fine print. If the policy doesn't offer sufficient travel disruption insurance, then the provider will more than likely offer additional cover as an add-on. This means you will be able to add travel disruption cover to your main travel insurance policy for an extra charge.