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Box Van Insurance

Cheap Box Van Insurance

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Box Van Insurance – Compare Cheap Quotes

In order to get the best box van insurance quotes possible for any make and model of vehicle (whether a Ford box van or an Iveco, a Renault or a Leyland), it really does pay to shop around. After all, when your existing box van insurance policy is due for renewal there’s a pretty good chance your current provider’s renewal quote won’t be the cheapest policy you can find.

And that’s where we come in. Box van insurance quotes from a wide range of different insurance companies are readily available via Quotezone.co.uk’s specialised truck insurance comparison tool, which could boost your odds of obtaining the appropriate coverage at the right price.

Compare box van insurance quotes now

Do I need truck insurance or van insurance when I’m insuring a box van?

Box vans are often referred to as ‘box trucks’ or ‘cube trucks’ because they tend to have a truck chassis cab with an enclosed box cargo area attached for transporting goods.

Since they have a truck chassis a truck insurance policy may be the most suitable option for box vans, although it is worth bearing in mind that many van insurance specialists are likely to be able to insure these vehicles as well.

How much does it cost to insure a box van?

That’s a difficult question to answer, because your insurance premium will be affected by the box van’s make and model, its engine size, weight and mileage.

There are a number of other factors that influence the premium as well, such as the driver’s age and place of residence, the length of time they’ve held their licence, any points on their licence, and the length of their No Claims Bonus.

Since so many factors are at play when it comes to the cost of your box van insurance policy it’s impossible to predict how much you might be charged for a policy. The best plan is to use our price comparison service to compare box van insurance quotes from a range of different insurance companies, and then go with the one that offers the best box van insurance cover at the best price.

Is it true my estimated mileage will affect the cost of my box truck insurance?

Yes, when you’re insuring a box van (or a box truck, as it’s also known) many insurance providers will take your estimated mileage into account. The reason for that is fairly straightforward – the more time your box truck spends on the road, and the more miles it clocks up, the higher its risk of being involved in an accident at some stage, which means trucks with higher mileage will sometimes cost more to insure.

How can I find cheaper box van insurance?

There is no way to guarantee that box van insurance will be cheap, but there are several steps you can do to boost your chances of finding lower-cost box van insurance. You could, for example, do the following:

  • Shop around – First and foremost, box truck drivers should shop around by using a price comparison site like Quotezone.co.uk to compare box truck insurance quotes from a range of different truck insurance specialists.
  • Avoid ‘any driver’ box van insurance policies – Truck insurance policies that insure any licenced truck driver to drive that vehicle tend to be the most expensive option, because the insurer won’t have any information about the driver. It’s usually cheaper to add multiple named drivers to a box van insurance policy than it is to opt for ‘any driver’ truck insurance.
  • Ensure truck drivers are experienced and have clean driving records – Truck insurance for young drivers tends to be prohibitively expensive, so it’s best to ensure that any truck drivers named on your box truck insurance policy are experienced drivers with clean driving records.