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Commercial Van Cover

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Compare commercial van insurance

According to data from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders there are now more than 4 million vans on UK roads – and the vast majority of them are used as commercial vans than rather than for private use. 

Many van drivers may be aware that van cover can sometimes cost quite a bit more than car insurance – but in most cases it will also cost more than you’d pay if you were insuring the van for private use.

That’s because commercial vans are likely to spend more time on the roads than private-use vehicles, and will often clock up many more miles as well – two factors that could increase the risk of the van being involved in an accident at some point.

That’s why van drivers should use Quotezone.co.uk’s unbiased price comparison service when they’re ready to take out insurance, which could help them find insurance for a commercial van by comparing prices from over 50 different insurance providers in just a few minutes.

What is commercial van insurance?

If you are a courier or hire and delivery driver who relies on your van to get you from point A to B and make deliveries in time, commercial van insurance is for you. Commercial van insurance can offer you all the typical coverage options of a standard van insurance policy with the main difference being you’ll be covered for commercial activities. Whether your a business owner, or self-employed, you’ll need the appropriate insurance coverage in place to be properly protected. Although a private van insurance policy is needed for leisure and private driving driving when you are not making deliveries, you’ll need a commercial van insurance policy.

Typical businesses the benefit from commercial van insurance:

  • Delivery Florist
  • Food Delivery
  • Plumbers
  • Electricians 

Compare commercial van insurance quotes now

Insuring a commercial van: a straightforward guide 

Why is van insurance more expensive than car insurance?

While it isn’t a hard and fast rule, in general a typical van has a more powerful engine than a typical car.

In addition, vans are usually quite a bit heavier than cars, and weight is one of the factors that determine a vehicle’s insurance group.

Finally, vans often spend more time on the road than cars, and clock up more miles – particularly if they are used as a commercial vehicle.

Should I opt for third party cover in order to lower the cost of my commercial van insurance?

Commercial van drivers have three levels of cover to choose from: 

  • Third Party Insurance
  • Third Party, Fire and Theft
  • Fully-comprehensive Insurance

You might assume that third party insurance would be the cheapest option, since it offers van drivers the least comprehensive cover – and in some cases you’d be right. 

But some insurance companies take into account the fact that drivers with worse risk profiles are more likely to opt for third party van insurance, and may hike their premiums for this level cover to offset that potential risk – a trend known as ‘premium loading’.

The end result is that fully-comprehensive insurance for a commercial van can sometimes be as cheap as third party cover, which is why we recommend that van drivers compare quotes for all three levels of cover and opt for the policy that offers the best cover at the fairest price.

Should I use commercial van insurance brokers?

Some van drivers still rely on a van insurance broker in their local area to help them source and select the best deal, but it probably goes without saying that some brokers will only work with a limited number of insurance providers, which means you sometimes might miss out on some of the cheaper quotes if you rely on a broker.

Of course, if you need specialist van insurance (if you carry hazardous materials, for instance) a commercial van insurance broker might be a good option,  but for a standard van the best plan could be to use a van insurance comparison website like Quotezone.co.uk to compare quotes from a wider range of providers. 

How can I find cheaper commercial van insurance quotes?

You should begin by using an unbiased price comparison site like Quotezone.co.uk each time your commercial van insurance is due for renewal, because an existing provider’s renewal quote is often less competitive than the introductory deal you’d be offered by a new insurance provider.

Beyond that, the following steps could help reduce the cost of your commercial van insurance:

  • Making use of off-road parking: Vans that are parked off-road when they’re not in use have a lower risk of being damaged by a passing vehicle or targeted by thieves, so if you have off-road parking this could result in cheaper commercial van insurance quotes.
  • Avoiding vehicle modifications: Modified van insurance is usually more expensive than a policy for a standard van, so if you do decide to have your van modified in some way you might need to be prepared for higher premiums. 
  • Installing an alarm or engine immobiliser: If your van didn’t come with a manufacturer-installed alarm or engine immobiliser then installing these additional security features could lower the cost of your commercial van cover.
  • Paying annually: If you opt to pay for your commercial van insurance on an annual rather than monthly basis you’ll usually save a little bit on the policy.
  • Agreeing to a higher excess: Agreeing to a higher voluntary excess means you’ll be obliged to cover a larger portion of the costs yourself if you ever need to claim on your commercial van insurance, which is why many insurance providers will reduce your premium a little if your excess is higher.