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Group 26 Car Insurance

Car Insurance for Group 26

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Group 26 Car Insurance

If you buying a car in insurance Group 26 like the Citroen C4 or the Audi A4 you can expect moderately high insurance costs. Insurance groups range from group 1 to 50, and even though insurance Group 26 is almost middle range in terms of cheap car insurance, it is still considered to be in the higher insurance groups. Insurance groups are determined by a set of characteristics that signify a certain risk profile that insurers assess when insuring your car

Online insurance comparison websites like Quotezone.co.uk are excellent tools to use when you are trying to find out insurance costs on car insurance groups. Quotezone.co.uk has insurance products and offerings from over 100 insurance providers based in the UK. It is quick and easy to use from the comfort of your own home. 

Get quotes on Group 26 car insurance now with one simple form. 

What are car insurance groups, and where does insurance Group 26 fit in these? 

Insurance groups are used by insurance companies to set the base insurance rate when calculating insurance premiums for a particular car. Cars are assessed and then assigned to a specific group which can be between 1 and 50. Group 1 cars are the cheapest to insure while Group 50 are the most expensive.  

Insurers use a set of similar shared characteristics to assess risk and determine the overall risk of insuring that vehicle. These characteristics will include: 

  • Market value of the vehicle 
  • Costs to make repairs 
  • Performance 
  • Any accident data and information on the likelihood of theft 
  • Safety and security features 

Cars in insurance Group 26 are considered to be an above average insurance group. The 26 car insurance group poses a moderately high risk to insurers so you can expect to pay higher than average insurance rates. 

What does the ‘e’ in Group 26e insurance group mean? 

The “e” in insurance group 26e indicates that your particular vehicle has safety features that ‘exceed’ the typical levels that are needed for it to be classified as Group 26. These features can be a number of things but they will all work to lower the risk of an insurance company insuring your vehicle. They can be:

  • Advanced alarm systems
  • Immobilizers
  • Superior locks
  • GPS tracking 

All of these features can work to discourage or prevent break-ins or highjacking and can place you in the ‘e’ category of an insurance group which could lower your insurance premiums. 

Is 26 a high insurance group? 

Group 26 is not the highest as groups range from group 1 to 50. It is overall considered to be in the higher or above average insurance groups. This suggests that vehicles in Group 26 will have higher insurance costs compared to those in lower groups. 

Group 26 insurance cars will typically have an above-average market value, higher repair costs, performance, and many other shared characteristics that make Group 26 cars a greater risk for insurance companies to insure, compared to cars in lower groups. 

How does being in insurance Group 26 affect my car insurance premiums? 

There are several ways in which an above average insurance group like 26 can affect your insurance premiums. Some of the ways that Group 26 affects your car insurance are: 

  • Premium costs: Insurers consider cars in higher insurance groups to be riskier to insure and therefore you can expect to pay higher premiums than in lower groups. 
  • Higher collision costs: The replacement and repair costs are greater in higher groups. 
  • Reduced flexibility: You may face some limitations in your choice of insurance providers due to some insurers being less willing to insure cars in higher groups. 
  • Impact on third-party liability: Characteristics like performance and engine size may result in a greater risk of damage to other people’s property.  
Which models of cars fall under insurance Group 26? 

Cars are assigned to insurance groups based on a similar set of characteristics shared by these vehicles. Insurance companies use these Groups to assess the level of risk the insurer is exposed to when insuring a specific make or model of vehicle. 

Insurance groups of vehicles can change over time as new models are introduced or vehicles age and depreciate. So in practical terms, any model or car that shares the characteristics of cars that qualify for Group 26 will fall under this group. 

For up-to-date information on which make and model of vehicle is in Group 26, you can use reputable online resources that give up-to-date grouping on specific car models, or contact insurance providers directly. 

Is there a full list of the cars in insurance Group 26? 

To source an accurate and up-to-date list of cars in insurance Group 26 and the 26e insurance group, you can: 

  1. Contact insurance companies directly to enquire about the car’s insurance grouping. 
  2. Refer to The Association of British Insurers (ABI) which sets the insurance groups in the UK. 
  3. Dealerships and manufacturers may also be able to provide you with information
What is the average cost of Group 26 car insurance? 

The insurance group of a specific vehicle is used by insurers as a baseline starting point when determining insurance rates. However, there are many other factors that are taken into consideration that will affect the costs of insurance. These include: 

  • Your personal profile including your age, occupation and location
  • The insurance company you select
  • The coverage level required 
  • Options and add-ons or extras selected 
  • Your claims history
  • The model of your car
  • How you use your car
  • Where the car is stored overnight 

When looking for a price for Group 26 car insurance it is probably impractical to look for an average cost, as prices vary so much from case to case. A better option is to get personalised quotes in minutes with Quotezone.co.uk. 

Is it still possible to find cheap insurance if my car is insurance Group 26? 

There are a number of steps that you can take to find more affordable insurance. These steps can include:  

  1. Bundle your insurance policies as insurers can offer discounts. 
  2. Increase your deductible. Just ensure you are always choosing an excess you can pay.
  3. Improve your vehicle security and safety. This could upgrade you to Group 26e.
  4. Maintain a good driving record. No claims histories can save you money year after year. 
  5. Review your policy coverage so you are not overinsuring your car. 
  6. Shopping around and comparing quotes from multiple insurance providers. Online insurance comparison websites like Quotezone.co.uk can help you here.

*51% of consumers could save £515.24 on their Car Insurance. The saving was calculated by comparing the cheapest price found with the average of the next six cheapest prices quoted by insurance providers on Seopa Ltd’s insurance comparison website. This is based on representative cost savings from December 2024 data. The savings you could achieve are dependent on your individual circumstances and how you selected your current insurance supplier.