Group 48 Insurance
Insurance Group 48
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Car Insurance for Group 48
Insurance group ratings are used by the majority of insurance providers as one way to determine the cost of car insurance. Cars in insurance Group 48 fall into the more expensive-to-insure categories as these run on a scale from 1 to 50, with 50 being the most expensive.
However, it is important to remember that insurance group ratings are not the only factor that insurance providers consider when calculating the cost of car insurance. Insurance group ratings are a way for insurance providers to establish the risk they may face by insuring your vehicle.
Listed below are some of the factors that are included in establishing the insurance group a vehicle falls into:
- Availability of parts and the cost.
- The engine size and power of the vehicle.
- Cost of repairs and maintenance.
- Cost to purchase the vehicle new.
Insurance group ratings are only one of the factors that influence insurance premiums. Personal factors such as the age of the driver and the driver’s history of traffic infringements are also considered. Insurance group ratings mainly focus on the risk of each vehicle. But on top of that, each insurer will have additional underwriting criteria which they will consider too.
Compare Group 48 insurance quotes from as many different insurance providers as possible. Every insurer will offer different levels of coverage and may offer different premiums for your personal circumstances.
Is there a difference between Group 48 insurance and Group 48e insurance?
Group 48 car insurance indicates that a car is a high risk to insure. This group falls on the higher end of the scale because insurance groups typically run from Group 1 to Group 50. A car in insurance Group 48e is differentiated from typical cars in this group because its security features ‘exceed’ the standard requirement.
This places it slightly lower on the scale and could result in it being cheaper to insure. This is because its extra security makes it less of a risk for insurers to provide coverage for.
Are cars in Group 48 expensive to insure?
Looking at a scale of 1 to 50, with Group 1 being the cheapest vehicles to insure and Group 50 being the most expensive, it’s safe to assume Group 48 vehicles are expensive to insure. But you should also consider the fact that every insurance provider has different underwriting criteria. So while most insurers will make use of insurance group ratings, there will also be other factors considered.
It is highly recommended when looking for insurance Group 48e cost’s that you compare as many different providers as possible, because each insurance provider will have different formulas for calculating premiums.
Provide accurate and honest information at all times as this will make it easier for insurance providers to provide you with an accurate quotation.
What is factored into the cost of insuring Group 48 cars?
Typically, insurance companies use a combination of different factors to calculate the cost of car insurance, and this will differ from one insurance provider to the next. Some of the most common factors that play a role in the cost of insurance Group 48 or any other insurance group’s premiums are listed below:
- The cost of repairing and maintaining your vehicle.
- The vehicle’s safety features.
- Size of the engine and power of the vehicle.
- The resale value of the vehicle.
- How likely the car is to be stolen
- Availability of spare car parts.
- Location of the vehicle.
- Vehicle’s age and condition.
How much does Group 48 car insurance cost, on average?
It is a near impossible task to give the cost of insurance Group 48 premiums. Although insurance groups are a tool used by insurance companies to gauge the cost of insurance, every insurance provider has different underwriting criteria. So they will place a different level of importance on each factor.
To get an idea of how much it will cost to insure your specific insurance Group 48 vehicle it is recommended that you compare multiple quotes to ensure you are not paying more than necessary.
Make sure you supply honest and accurate information to potential insurance providers because this will assist them in giving you the most accurate quotation.
Can drivers with motoring convictions get Group 48 car insurance?
Unfortunately, it is a little more challenging for drivers with convictions to find affordable car insurance policies. This is typically because having convictions increases your risk profile.
But listed below are a few tips you can consider that may help you find a policy that best fits your budget and needs:
- Compare Group 48 insurance quotes from as many different insurance providers as possible.
- Investigate completing additional driving courses.
- Look into pay-as-you-go insurance.
- Consider telematics or a black box insurance policy.
- Maintain a healthy driving record, your record can get better over time.
Do American import cars fall into insurance Group 48?
Imported vehicles are a broad category and insurance groups are changeable. So to get a better idea of what cars fall part of what insurance group it will be best to contact manufacturers or use online resources like Thatcham Research who give up-to-date insurance group information.
If you are looking to insure an imported vehicle, make sure you declare that information in the beginning to ensure you get an accurate quotation.
How can I get cheaper insurance for a car in Group 48?
Each insurance provider has different formulas for calculating insurance Group 48 premiums. Listed below are steps that could help to reduce the cost of 48e insurance group premiums:
- Compare insurance Group 48e quotes from multiple insurers.
- Consider doing advanced driving courses.
- Increase the security features of your vehicle.
- Select a higher voluntary excess.
- Reduce your mileage.
- Practice safe driving behaviour.
- Limit the number of modifications to your vehicle.
- Pay your premium annually rather than monthly.
One of the most important aspects of the process will be how well you compare Group 48 insurance quotes. Be sure to compare all the different aspects of the quote and not only the cost. In some cases, cheaper insurance will leave you underinsured, but in some other cases, you may be paying for cover you don’t need. It is important to collate all the information provided to you to choose the policy that fits your needs and circumstances the best.
*51% of consumers could save £515.24 on their Car Insurance. The saving was calculated by comparing the cheapest price found with the average of the next six cheapest prices quoted by insurance providers on Seopa Ltd’s insurance comparison website. This is based on representative cost savings from December 2024 data. The savings you could achieve are dependent on your individual circumstances and how you selected your current insurance supplier.