Mazda MX-5 Insurance
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Compare Mazda MX-5 insurance
The Mazda MX-5 is a phenomenally popular two-seater roadster, ubiquitous on British roads and with a dedicated and passionate fanbase. The MX-5 has been around for a long time – the first incarnation rolled off the production lines in 1989 – and it has enjoyed success ever since.
Do I have to insure my Mazda MX-5?
Yes. In the UK, car insurance is a legal requirement, and if you are found to be driving without valid insurance then you can face a minimum fine of £300 plus at least six penalty points on your licence. In more serious cases, this can range from disqualification to an unlimited fine. This is because insurance protects pedestrians and other road users from harm or loss caused by accidents that may involve you or your car. But not only that, comprehensive policies protect you, your property and your passengers as well.
Do I need to insure my car if it’s not being used?
Yes. By law, and in line with Continuous Insurance Enforcement (CIE), the registered keeper of the vehicle must continue to insure it whether it is in use or not. This law is upheld even if the vehicle is being kept on private land. You are only exempt from this responsibility if it has a SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification), which you can obtain from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).
Is the Mazda MX-5 expensive to insure?
The make and model impact the cost of your insurance premium. Driving a sporty number such as the MX-5 would normally push that monthly deduction up – but the fact there are so many of them does mitigate that somewhat. Perhaps because parts are easy to come by, or perhaps because they are reliable, insurers look relatively favourably on the MX-5 compared to other two-seaters. In fact, almost every Mazda MX-5 sits somewhere in the 20s insurance group-wise – not bad on a 1–50 scale.
What factors determine my premium?
Insurance groups are just the starting point for insurers. They then look at your driving history (how long you’ve held a licence, length of any no-claims bonus, any penalty points accrued, and so on) and your average annual mileage. Where you live, your occupation and your age are also important.
Is there anything I can do to bring the cost down?
You absolutely can take action to bring the cost of your premium down. If you can afford to, pay annually. Limit your mileage, as fewer miles equates to less risk. Improve security by adding alarms, locking wheel nuts, a dashcam and immobilisers. Keep your car locked in a garage at night. Increasing your voluntary excess and building up your no claims bonus are also ways in which you can try to bring down the cost of your premium.
Anything else you can suggest?
Well, since you ask… the best way of saving money is by shopping around. At we’ll take care of that, comparing over 110 trusted UK insurers to find you the best deal. We won’t add anything to your price for this service – we get our commission directly from the insurer at no cost to you, and we’re 100% independent with our advice.