Mazda RX-8 Insurance
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Competitive car insurance quotes for Mazda RX-8
The Mazda RX-8 is a sporty number, part of Mazda’s RX series which was produced between 2003 and 2012. Although production has long since ceased, the RX-8 was built to last and there are still some on the road and in good condition today. If you’ve snapped one up or have one in your sights, you’ll want to make sure it’s well taken care of – and a good insurance policy will protect you in any eventuality.
Do I need to insure my Mazda RX-8?
Not only should you want to insure your pride and joy – imagine if it got damaged and you had no way of repairing it – but it’s also a legal requirement. A minimum of third party insurance is needed, and if you’re found to be uninsured (you don’t even have to be unlucky to be caught out – databases and ANPR number plate recognition will see that you’re noticed) you’ll incur fines, penalty points and even a driving ban.
Why do I need insurance?
It’s there to protect you, other road-users and members of the public.
There are three levels of car insurance: Third Party; Third Party, Fire and theft; and Fully Comprehensive Cover. Third Party is the minimum legal requirement, and will protect others should you be involved in an accident. Fully comprehensive cover protects others and protects you against damage to your car in the case of an accident, vandalism or theft.
If you are unsure about the level of cover that’s right for you, get in touch with us at We can get you the quote you need.
Is the RX-8 cheap to insure?
It’s not cheap, but for a sporty coupe that’s stylish and quite niche to boot (you’ll stand out in an RX-8), it’s not badly placed insurance-wise – the standard trim levels range from insurance group 27–31, while the souped-up PZ edition is group 34. On a scale of 1–50, it’s in the top half but by no means extortionate.
Can I use the new E10 fuel in an RX-8?
Petrol forecourts are moving towards a more environmentally friendly form of unleaded petrol called E10 (10% ethanol), which some older cars will struggle to run on. We’ve checked with the Government – who are responsible for the roll-out – and it looks like every model and engine of RX-8 will run on E10, but it’s always best to seek the latest advice.
How can I save money on my car insurance?
You can take action to bring the cost of your premium down. If you can afford to, pay annually. Limit your mileage, as fewer miles equates to less of a risk. Improve security, add alarms, locking wheel nuts and immobilisers. Keep your car locked in a garage at night. Increasing your voluntary excess and building up your no claims bonus are also ways in which you can try to bring down the cost of your premium.