Mercedes S Class Insurance
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Mercedes S Class Insurance
The Mercedes S Class is one of the most luxurious ranges offered by the manufacturer. These high-end models offer superior comfort and performance. Due to how much they cost, keeping your S Class protected should be a key priority. Learn what to loom out for when choosing Mercedes S Class insurance below…
What Mercedes S Class Models can I insure?
You can compare and insure the following Mercedes S Class models:
- S-Class Grand Edition
- S560 e L Plug-in Hybrid
- Mercedes-AMG S63L and S63L Premium
Keep in mind that the S Class range is one of the most expensive to insure. Therefore, it’s worth looking at the average cost of insurance based upon your model’s insurance group.
What insurance group does my Mercedes S Class fall into?
The models in the S Class range fall into insurance groups 46-50. Car insurance groups range from 1-50, with 50 being the most expensive. Check which insurance group your Mercedes S Class belongs to online.
How do I choose the best insurer?
Choosing the best insurer isn’t just about cost. While you obviously want to save as much money as possible, you should also consider the reputation of the provider. When you’re searching for an insurer through our service, you’ll get to see reviews of each provider. This will give you a good idea of which ones are best to go with.
What insurance do I legally need?
The only type of car insurance you legally need is third-party cover. However, it’s worth considering investing in extra protection. The Mercedes S Class range is expensive, so a comprehensive cover would be the most sensible option. Compare the different comprehensive policies available to see which ones offer the most thorough cover.
Should I consider additional cover?
It is worth taking out as much cover as you can for your Mercedes S Class. Courtesy car and legal cover are just a couple of add-on policies to think about. You should also make sure it has fire and theft insurance as Mercedes vehicles are a popular target for thieves.
Will the cost of the quote increase when I go to take up the offer?
Most of the time the quote you are presented with is what you will receive. However, if you add on any extra cover, or adjust your details when you apply for the offer, it could increase your quote.
How much excess should I pay?
To insure Mercedes S Class models, you will need to pay a set amount of excess. This will differ between providers and generally speaking, it is better to pay as much excess as you can afford. That way, your insurance quote will be brought down, making your monthly repayments more affordable.