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Cheap Private Medical Insurance

  • Get treatment quickly – avoid long NHS waiting lists
  • Compare leading insurers like AXA, Bupa, Aviva and more
  • By switching health insurance you could save up to 23%*
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Compare Quotes for Private Medical Insurance 

Sometimes finding the right insurance can feel like getting lost in a maze. Private medical insurance is no different. With so many options to choose from, you need to focus on your priorities. Are you after faster consultations, treatments, and a choice of doctors and facilities? Perhaps the cost is your main concern. In this case, you’ll have to consider what is covered and what’s not and decide if it’s worth it for you. So, whether you need first-time private medical insurance or you’re thinking of changing your policy, you’ll need to compare offers. Our team at Quotezone.co.uk provides a platform to compare quotes from many of the UK’s leading insurers. 

What is private medical insurance? 

Private medical insurance provides quick access to private healthcare services and treatments that the NHS does not cover. You simply won’t have to wait in lines or on waiting lists. This insurance lets you bypass those lengthy waits, offering a fast track to consultations, diagnoses, and treatments at a private level. You’ll have more choices when It comes to your health. It’s about getting you the care you need with a bit more comfort and choice in who treats you. At Quotezone.co.uk, we help you to compare a variety of options to find an insurance policy that suits you. 

Is private medical insurance different from personal medical insurance? 

Not really. Private medical insurance and personal medical insurance are simply different names for the same thing. This insurance gives you quicker access to medical treatments. Private medical insurance makes sure you are not left without options when you need healthcare the most. Whether you call it private or personal, the goal’s the same; to give you swift access to medical care. With that comes a lot of peace of mind. 

What is group private medical insurance? 

Group private medical insurance is a healthcare package for businesses that want to cover their employees. It is a good employee benefit. Private medical cover is a good way for employers to incentivise their workforce, potentially increasing productivity levels. It helps keep everyone happy, healthy, and ready to work. Group private medical insurance is a smart investment for businesses interested in taking care of their team and their business. 

Is medical private insurance mandatory in the UK? 

Medical private insurance is not mandatory in the UK. However, opting for private medical coverage is a choice many make even though they have the NHS. It offers peace of mind because you get quicker access to treatments. There’s also typically a wider choice of medical facilities and treatment options available to private patients. It’s about adding an extra layer of reassurance.  

What types of ailments or diseases does this policy usually cover? 

Private medical insurance includes a variety of ailments and diseases. It covers many acute and chronic conditions. Cover varies from policy to policy, but typically private medical cover includes: 

  • The cost of hospital admission. 
  • Diagnostic tests, such as MRI and CT scans. 
  • The costs of seeing a consultant. 
  • Hospital accommodation and nursing care. 
  • Cancer drugs – some policies will include drugs that are not available on the NHS. 

Keep in mind, that the specifics can vary. It’s important to investigate and compare private medical insurance plans to understand exactly what is covered in any given policy. 

If I have a pre-existing medical condition will that be covered by my private medical coverage? 

Not necessarily. When it comes to private medical insurance in the UK insurers tend to tread carefully. Often, pre-existing conditions might not be covered, especially if they’re known before you take out the policy. However, this is not always the case. You may find some insurers might cover you after a certain period, or under specific conditions. When you compare private medical insurance quotes, it’s important to take the time to check these details. 

What things are likely to be excluded from UK private medical insurance coverage? 

Typically, private medical coverage might exclude certain treatments and conditions like cosmetic surgery, fertility treatments, and chronic conditions. It varies from insurer to insurer.  

It’s also common to see exclusions for experimental treatments not widely accepted by the medical community. Always check the fine print to know what’s not covered, and to ensure you know exactly what the policy does cover. 

Will private medical insurance usually cover dental treatment? 

It depends on your level of cover. 

Private medical insurance does not always cover dental treatment. Some only cover it if it’s part of a larger treatment plan or an emergency.  

Routine dental care, like check-ups and fillings, will likely not be covered unless you’ve opted for a policy that specifically includes dental coverage. Again, it’s all about the details. So, make sure to compare private medical insurance options to find one that fits your dental needs too. 

how much is private health insurance? 

The cost of private medical cover can vary widely. It depends on a variety of factors like your age, lifestyle, and the level of coverage you’re after.  

To get a clearer picture, comparing private medical insurance is the best approach. That way, you can find out what fits your budget and needs. Here at Quotezone.co.uk, we have made it simple to compare options helping you quickly establish what you can expect to pay. 

Will it cost more if I’m a smoker? 

Probably, yes. If you’re a smoker, chances are you’ll be paying more for private medical insurance in the UK. Insurers see smoking as a risk factor for many health issues, so premiums tend to be higher. Some insurers might lower your premiums if you’ve stopped the habit for a substantial period of time, typically around 12 months.  

How can I find cheap private medical insurance? 

Looking for cheap private medical insurance doesn’t have to feel like a challenging task. Here’s some information to help you find a deal that won’t be overly expensive: 

  • Compare private medical insuranceOur comparison platform Quotezone.co.uk provides access to medical insurance quotes. Compare as many quotes as you can. 
  • Adjust your coverSometimes, less is more. Think about what you really need cover for and see if tweaking your policy can lower the cost. 
  • Look at excessAgreeing to pay a higher excess can reduce your premiums. Just make sure it’s an amount you can afford if you need to claim. 
  • No-claims discountsSome insurers offer discounts if you’ve gone a while without making a claim, so keep that in mind. 
  • Group schemesIf your employer offers group private medical cover, that’s often a cheaper way to get covered. 

By keeping these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to finding a policy that keeps both you and your bank account in good health. 

If you are looking for health insurance quotes, then Quotezone.co.uk is here to help. Compare private medical insurance quotes and get cheaper coverage today.