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Hourly Car Insurance

One Hour Car Insurance

  • Quotes from UK hourly insurance providers
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What is hourly car insurance?

1 hour car insurance is essentially the shortest kind of temporary insurance available to drivers in the UK. It can offer the same levels of cover as a standard car insurance policy while giving you more freedom and flexibility.

Other temporary car insurance options might cover you for a full day, or even a week or month. But if you are only taking a short one-off journey, buying car insurance for an hour means you don’t pay for longer cover than you need.  

How does one hour car insurance work?

Hourly car insurance is designed to work just like standard car insurance, with much more flexibility. When buying car insurance for 1 hour you will be able to choose exactly what you need, including:

The level of coverage

1 hour car insurance offers the same coverage options as standard car insurance. These are third party only (TPO), third party, fire, and theft (TPFT), and comprehensive cover. While you need a minimum of third party cover to legally drive on UK public roads, some temporary insurers will offer comprehensive cover as standard. 

How long you want to be covered

Temporary insurance is not just available for one hour. You can also find 2 hour, or 3 hour car insurance, right up to a full 24 hours. It is worth knowing exactly how long you need before buying your policy to avoid over-insuring. 

When you want the cover to start

If you know when you need to borrow or drive the vehicle, you can choose a future start date. However, if you need insurance cover on short notice, temporary policies come with the option for an immediate start. 

When can I get car insurance by the hour?

Getting car insurance for 1 hour can help you out of a tight spot at short notice. It can be a great option in a variety of circumstances. For example:

Test-driving a car from a private seller

Dropping off or collecting a vehicle from a mechanic or MOT

Moving a car to avoid a parking fine or restriction

Picking up a child or friend in an emergency

Moving furniture or large items using a borrowed van

Practising driving in a friend or family member’s car

Benefits of 1 hour car insurance

Flexibility and convenience of 1 hour car insurance

This cover allows you to take on short tasks while staying legal and protected on UK roads. You can insure yourself for exactly the number of hours you need, and some insurers will even allow you to extend the cover if needed. If not you can still take out another short term policy. 

Cost-effectiveness of hourly insurance compared to annual policies

The cost of hourly insurance compared to an annual policy, or even being added as a named driver, is night and day. Although you will be paying a higher hourly rate, if you only need insurance for an hour, you could be saving hundreds when compared to annual cover. 

Immediate coverage with insurance for 1 hour

Being able to get insurance that starts immediately can help you or your family out immensely when things don’t go to plan. It’s a great option to have when last-minute plans, appointments, or problems crop up unexpectedly. 

No impact on your existing no-claims bonus

Claiming on a temporary insurance policy will not impact the no-claims bonus (NCD) you hold on your annual car insurance policy. It won’t affect the NCD of anyone else insured on the car either. 

How much is hourly car insurance?

The cost of hourly car insurance in the UK will vary depending on the risk of insuring you and your particular circumstances. On average, hourly car insurance costs*

1 hour2 hours3 hours4 hours
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  • The length of the policy – If you need car insurance for 1 hour, 12 hours or 24 hours. 
  •  The coverage level – Whether you choose third party only or comprehensive coverage.
  • Your driving history – how long you have held your licence and any past convictions.
  • Previous claims – A history of claiming on vehicle insurance can raise premiums.
  • Your age – Young drivers are usually seen as more high-risk due to inexperience.
  • The vehicle you are driving – Whether a car, van or motorbike, the model and value of the vehicle will impact premiums.  
  • Your location – Location indicates risk on the road, so someone in Northern Ireland could pay more than a driver in Scotland.
  • Only insure the time you need.
  • Limit add-ons as these will come at additional costs.
  • Insure a vehicle in a lower insurance group when possible.
  • Keep a good driving history and build a no-claims discount.
  • Shop around and compare cheap hourly car insurance policies and providers.

How to get car insurance for an hour

Criteria for getting 1 hour car insurance

Criteria vary across different 1 hour insurance providers. For example, some will require you to be over 19 years old while others will cover anyone from 17-75 years old. Likewise, some may require you to have a UK licence while others will cover anyone with a licence from the EU. 

Find and compare providers

These variables are why it is so important to shop around before you buy temporary insurance for 1 hour. When you get a better scope of the market, you can make more informed buying decisions and find a potentially cheaper deal.

Purchase hourly insurance online

Choosing the best hourly insurance options will involve balancing your insurance needs with cost. Once purchased you can keep a digital copy of the insurance certificate with you for reference.

Hourly Car Insurance FAQs

Can I get 2 hour car insurance?

Yes, you can specify how long you want your hourly insurance to last. 2 and 3 hour car insurance is widely available, as is any hour from 1-24 hours. 

Is hourly car insurance available for young drivers?

Yes, however just like standard car insurance, young drivers may find it more difficult to find cheap 1 hour car insurance. This lack of experience and high risk on the road means temporary young driver insurance can be more expensive overall. 

What vehicles are eligible for one hour insurance coverage?

1 hour car insurance in the UK is available for a range of vehicles including cars, vans, motorbikes, and even motorhomes. Just bear in mind that the insurance group and value of the vehicle will be reflected in your premiums. 

How does hourly car insurance affect my existing policy?

In the slim chance that you need to make a claim on your hourly insurance, this does not impact your no-claims history on your existing policy. However, this is not to say that it won’t affect the cost of your annual insurance in the future. Some providers will still take this claim into account. 

Can you insure a car for an hour?

Absolutely, if you only want to insure your car for the minimum amount of time possible then an hours coverage will be ideal. If you need a full day then 24 hour car insurance will also be an option. Most insurers offer coverage ranging from 1 day to 28 days, and the exact duration is entirely up to your needs.

Should I get hour car insurance?

Ultimately you’ll need to be covered for whenever you are driving on UK roads. The type of insurance you use is completely up to you. However, if your situation only requires you to be insured for driving for a short time then taking out a temporary policy is probably the most economical decision.

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