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Compare Mercedes Warranties

Survey data from UK motorists suggests Mercedes-Benz cars are some of the most reliable vehicles on the road, experiencing far fewer mechanical faults than many other luxury cars.

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Still, if your Mercedes S-Class, Mercedes G-Class or Mercedes-Maybach S600 suffers an engine failure or a serious mechanical issue the resulting repair bill could be rather eye-watering…unless the vehicle is under warranty, that is.

Mercedes-Benz provide a three-year new car warranty with every new Merc they sell, and this manufacturer’s warranty doesn’t impose a mileage threshold so you’ll be covered for 36 months no matter how many miles you clock up.

If you purchased your Mercedes from a used car dealership the vehicle’s warranty period will depend on where you bought the car – franchised dealerships often provide a 6 month, 12 month or 24 month warranty, whereas independent dealers may provide a shorter warranty – or none at all.

No matter how good your Mercedes warranty is, though, it won’t help you cover the repair bill if the fault occurs after the end of the warranty period. That’s why some Mercedes-Benz drivers make the decision to take out their own standalone warranty after the one from the manufacturer or the car dealership expires.

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How much does it cost to take out a used car warranty for a Mercedes-Benz?

Many Mercs are high-performance cars, and most of them are also high-value vehicles that can cost a pretty penny to repair, so you probably won’t be too surprised to learn that a warranty for your second-hand Mercedes is likely to cost rather more than you’d pay if you owned a Ford or a Volvo.

The cheapest car warranties can cost as little as £150 a year, whereas warranties for higher-end vehicles could cost upwards of £1,000. Needless to say, if you own a high-end Merc the cost of your warranty is likely to be closer to that upper price point than it is the lower.

Is a Mercedes warranty a waste of money?

If your Mercedes-Benz is less than three years old you’d be wasting your hard-earned money if you took out a standalone warranty, because your vehicle will still be covered by the manufacturer’s warranty even if you bought the vehicle second-hand.

But given the fact that Mercedes cars are recognised as some of the most reliable vehicles money can buy, many Mercedes owners see a used car warranty as a waste of money even if their car is more than three years old…and they might be right.

The truth is there’s a distinct possibility you might pay for a Mercedes warranty year after year and yet never have to claim for the cost of mechanical repairs.

However, warranties are insurance products and as such you’re making the decision to pay a relatively modest sum upfront in order to offset the risk that you might be lumbered with a much larger bill further down the road.

Some drivers will decide a warranty is worth that extra peace of mind, while others will decide they’d rather keep the money and pay for repairs themselves if and when faults occur.

What are the typical exclusions on a Mercedes warranty?

If you’re comparing warranties you’ll probably notice that many of them specifically exclude cover for non-essential vehicle accessories like sat-navs, parking sensors or in-car entertainment systems.

However, it’s worth bearing in mind that many used car warranties will exclude general wear and tear, too, which means things like brake pads, timing belts, drive belts and tyres might be excluded on some warranties.

What are the typical exclusions on a Mercedes warranty?

Some of the cheapest warranties might also exclude parts and components that are particularly expensive to replace or repair, such as the alternator or the starter motor.

Does a Mercedes warranty have a maximum mileage limit?

If you own a relatively new Mercedes-Benz and it’s still covered by the manufacturer’s warranty then you won’t have to worry about how many miles you’re clocking up, because the manufacturer’s own warranties are valid for three years no matter the mileage.

If your car is covered by a warranty from a different provider then there’s a good chance you will have a maximum mileage limit, after which your cover will expire. You’ll need to check your warranty documents to find out whether it imposes this type of limit – and what that maximum mileage limit is.